Saturday, November 1

2 days no on9 becoz of this

On the last thursday,
My parent wanna get a new maid....
Then agent was really slow...
Firstly, she said that the ferry still not yet reached the pelabuhan...
Then, my dad call... She said at 9pm she will call back...
At 10pm she called and she said the maid have reached the pelabuhan...
Me and my bro go to the Bukit Lancang to get the agent for showing the way to the pelabuhan..
We drive about 33km...

But my dad got a call from a person named Mr Zamri...
He said that the maid was alone... the maid has been there about 3 hours....
Then, my dad call my bro...
After get the info, my bro ask the agent tat if she knows who is this Mr Zamri...
The agents was like huh? who is Mr Zamri...
When we got there... I stay in the car becoz i bring laptops with... For safety reason....
I waited about 20min...
Then, my bro, the agent and the new maid came back...
So, we are on our way to Senawang, Seremban...
I didnt take pict of the new maid...
Becoz she was not cute and she is fat... LOL
Thats why my bro car cannot go over than 140km/h...
It is becoz of the overloaded person at the back seat....
By the way, the car was a jeep car... (High) So, got more air pressure... means the car wasn't design for speed..
When we start our journey from the pelabuhan to senawang.. it was 11.35pm
The maid was sleeping
While driving, my bro said that the maid's smells killing my bro.. He ask me u can stand the smells?
I said my nose has a blockage (flu) that why i didnt smell anyhing... >.<

Straight line road...

The sky was dark..

But my dad got a call from a person named Mr Zamri...
He said that the maid was alone... the maid has been there about 3 hours....
Then, my dad call my bro...
After get the info, my bro ask the agent tat if she knows who is this Mr Zamri...
The agents was like huh? who is Mr Zamri...
But, the agent wan to fetch her's maid too... how could be the zamri said tat onli my maid alone?
and where got government so detail bout our process....
even u call, government will said "dalam proses" or "dah siap" or "belum lagi"
When we got there... I stay in the car becoz i bring laptops with... For safety reason....

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